Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Little House on the Hills at 4 Seasons pouch series.

I have not been able to update my latest news for so long.  After moving back to Kuala Lumpur, now i am able to access Facebook and blogspot any time I like without the need to go through any VPN any more, YES !!

Before I started myself to full mode again.  Here is a little pouch I recently made and wished to share with all of you.  This pouch is just too good to carry around, especially if I am going out for leisure outings, without the need to carry so many things at all.      Some friends saw my earlier little house version and immediately requested me to make the little house pouch for them , designs and everything is up to me.  Well, here you are.  I have been keeping my promise well, my dear friends.

My new series, little house on the hills at 4 seasons (  All sold out !  ^v^  Thank you so much for liking my works).   

I also received emails requesting me to make patterns for sell in the future.  Yes, I will, my dear friends.  Before I am all settled down, please give me some time.  You will definitely see my patterns out soon.  In fact, I am working on little SunBonnet Sue pencil case now, pattern will be suitable for beginner level.  ^v^



Dolci Fusa said...


Story Quilt said...

Thank you my dear Dolci Fusa. I am so happy you like them. :-D

Story Quilt said...

Thank you my dear Dolci Fusa. I am so happy you like them. :-D

pratima said...

So nice to see you blogging again. Your little houses snd the detsils on the purses are adorable!

Story Quilt said...

Hahaha, thank you so much for you compliment, Pratima. Yes, it took me sometime to clear lots of things before I am able to focus on my works again. I am glad that you like my works. hugs Story